World Environment Day

Adélaide Robin
20240605 bilan carbone site

💚 Yesterday was World Environment Day, and we are pleased to share our first carbon footprint: 6,210 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

🌍 Our carbon footprint breaks down as follows:
Purchases (83%): Steel manufacturing, in particular, accounts for a significant proportion of our emissions, even though our suppliers are European.
Transport (9%): This includes goods transport, daily transport and business travel.
Fluid energy (7%): Electricity and gas consumed on our premises.

Although our carbon footprint is in line with the average for French SMEs, we cannot be content with this status quo. We are aware of the need to reduce our environmental impact and actively contribute to the fight against climate change. That's why we are committed to :

Identify effective ways of reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. This involves questioning our purchasing choices, optimising our transport and reducing our energy consumption.

Putting in place a costed action plan in line with our CSR policy. This plan will define clear and measurable objectives to monitor our progress.

🔜 Communicate regularly on our actions and results. We are convinced that transparency is essential to mobilise all our stakeholders.

🚀 The ecological transition is a collective challenge, and we are convinced that businesses have a major role to play.